I'm not a huge socialite- I know you are shocked (probably not, I mean how else could I get all this crafting done). But one of the things I look forward to every year is my friend's semi-formal Christmas Soiree. It's the chance to dress up, really fancy, that I enjoy to do every now and then. Well, way back when- I bought a dress that was a long chocolate colored formal with a top similar to the one over here to the right. (This is not the dress I bought- mine is full-length). The reason I'm showing you the top is this dress I had didn't fit anymore...just in the chest area (you see I have since had a kid/nursed a kid so the top was a bit...snug to the point of my not being able to zip it up. The bottom still fit wonderfully.
So out came the scissors and I converted the formal from a full length to a formal skirt. First, I tried it on and zipped it up to waist level and then pinned along my middle where I thought it should sit (I know this is very technical...you see the bottom of the dress has a train, so as long as I didn't go overboard with the cutting it wasn't super critical that the hem be even, because it didn't start off that way). Then I took it off, cut off the top and started to take apart the straps so I could use the sequins for a fancy waistband.

Then I hand-sewed the waistband to the bottom of the formal and trimmed the zipper. This is where I made an error. I had cut the zipper on one side at the correct length and then measured from the bottom of the pull to the top of the zipper, but on the other side of the zipper I measured from the bottom of the zipper, resulting in about 1/2 an inch difference in length on the zipper...probably should have just closed it and hoped that I didn't inadvertently zip the pull off the top, but this works fine because it is still covered by the waistband. So here is the finished skirt- ready to be taken out on the town.
Here's the front...I know my spanx will come in handy when wearing this and I'm going to have to figure out a shirt to wear with it... but you get the idea. Here's the back. It has a button which holds up more train so it is really interesting and fun and flowy. Please note- I'm wearing high heels too, so the length is pretty near perfect. I do like the satin-y pink shirt with it, but what are your thoughts? What would this skirt look good with - perhaps a nice fancy sweater... I have until Saturday to figure it out.
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